Famagusta, which has taken its place in history as the "zone of churches", is equipped with churches that are said to be built by men or women who want to buy a place in heaven and that hit every day of the year. Today, this region, where the most magnificent ruins of the Middle Ages are found, also contains Gothic influences, such as Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque (St. Nicholas Cathedral). You can see the magnificence of the city with a walk on the Venetian Walls that surround the entire three-kilometer long city. Salamis, the city of kings, is home to very well preserved Roman ruins. You can see statues, historical columns, theater and bath ruins.
Othello Castle inspired Shakespeare's Othello and the defense model of the castle was drawn by Michalangelo. Venetian palaces, treasures and tombs that have not yet been found in the region will take you on a journey through time with its rich history. In Famagusta; Namık Kemal Dungeon, Cambolat Bey Museum and Tomb, Sinan Pasha Mosque (St. Peter and Paul Church-Twin Churches) and St. Barnabas Monastery can be seen.